With the abundance of supposed methods for making money online today it’s not surprising that a lot make big claims that fail to deliver. Into the digital age many millennials are straying away from the idea of being tied down to a 9-5 job where your salary is dictated by someone else and not how hard you are willing to work.

The online world can provide massive potential for earning money on your back but unfortunately too many companies are looking to sell people an unachievable dream to help bring cash in from themselves.

But don’t worry that’s why I’m here. At Aitka I spend my time reviewing a lot of these methods for making money online so you don’t fall into any scams that look to part you of your hard-earned cash.

A website that seems to be getting a lot of attention at the moment is Tap2Earn which claims to be the “‘#1 Influencer network” which is a rather bold claim.

Fortunately there are legitimate methods for earning money online and within this review we are looking to answer your question of; is Tap2Earn legit?

Within this in-depth review you’ll find:

  • What exactly is Tap2Earn
  • How do you make money?
  • Member Reviews
  • Is Tap2Earn a Scam?
  • Pros and Cons
  • My Number 1 Recommendation for earning money online

What is Tap2Earn

Since you are here I am assuming you already have some knowledge on what Tap2Earn is but in case not I’ll provide a bit of background here.

So, as stated previously Tap2Earn claim to be the #1 Influencer Network which is an extremely bold claim, but what exactly is an influencer network and what basis are they making this claim on?

An influencer network is a “professional” organisation that looks to manage social media influencers and organise contact with brands looking to leverage influencers with large amounts of followers to increase there reach and customers.

Tap2Earn might very well put users in contact with brands looking to leverage influences for exposure but what about the claim of being the #1 Influence Network?

Unfortunately I’m going to have to call lies on that one. There seems to be no evidence to back up their claims and in fact many other influencer networking platforms also seem to make the same bold claims? Tell me then, who really is the #1 influencer network platform?

As you can see KashTree and RainMoney all claim to be number 1 and this is only a handful, I’m sure there will be more. Instantly this should start to be raising some red flags. It certainly is for me. But we’ll dive deeper and find out truly if Tap2Earn is a scam or not.

The timeline of the company also seems great at first glance but the claims they have been making seem to be false so we’ll take a look at that.

Top start off, the website claims that company was started in 2015 but this in itself seems like lies from the offset as the domain was only registered just under 6 months ago. Another red flag? I think so.

But let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and continue the review to find out if Tap2Earn really is a scam. Logically the domain could have been changed from the original domain recently.

The next red flag for me is the fact in 2016 they claim to have been named “on top publications such as Forbes where we have been named the #1 Influencer Earning Network”. Fair enough! Surely we should be able to find this article on Forbes which will back up their claims. Guess what a quick search for “Forbes Tap2Earn” shows up? Nothing relevant at all.

Another red flag! Am I Surprised? Not at all!


The same seems to apply for the next two years with bold claims with limited supporting evidence. Surely if you have won awards and been invited to over 30 advertisement summits you would like to display your awards on your website or at least somewhere online. Guess what? Nothing again.

At this point I’m sure you are also very wary of Tap2Earn

How do you make money?

If you are still interested in Tap2Earn as an opportunity to earn money online, which I don’t think you should be, then let’s take a look at how you can (supposedly) earn money with their platform.

  1. As we’ve said before you will earn money by promoting the companies that are affiliated with Tap2Earn with your followers on social media.
  2. By simply joining the platform you will receive a modest $25 for doing next to nothing, sounds not too bad at all actually but will you actually be paid?
  3. This is where Tap2Earn starts to seem a bit like a Multi Level Marketing Scheme where they will offer you $10 for every new member you refer to the site. If you are familiar with my website you’ll already know that we don’t like MLM’s here but we’ll carry on.

Tap2Earn claim to be pretty high sign up bonuses and offer a large sum for every new member you sign up but like most other MLM schemes there are no products for you to sell that make them money. So how are they making profit considering they are claiming to have paid out massive amounts of cash to its members.

That is a massive amount of money that they claim to have paid out to it’s 730,000 members (most likely also a lie). This seems strange considering members are not buying products from them and your referrals are not buying anything from them so where is this money coming from?

“Money generated from ad-spend revenue and sponsorship products is used to pay our members”. There is absolutely no way that ad revenue from a business of this sort adds up to nearly 160 million dollars to pay it’s “members”. By this stage I’m sure you are seeing that Tap2Earn is up to some shady business and is most likely a scam in some sense of the word.

Member Reviews

To help try to uncover what members who have signed up to the platform think I have spent some time scouring the internet to find some real reviews from people. There are testimonials on the website but considering all the other fake information available I find them very hard to believe.

They certainly look the part and I can understand why people can be fooled but you need to be very careful with platforms such as this.

Across social media Tap2Earn actually seem to have a lot of followers which is not surprising considering the amount of money they claim to pay out for doing next to nothing.

First glances at their social media pages would make it seem like they are full of positive reviews from members in comment sections with many positive messages. But once again as soon as you scratch the surface and start to dig deeper you’ll start to realise that a lot of these messages definitely seem fake.

The same form of messages pop up across all their social media channels with the some words, sentence structure, emojis so there’s no way all these comments are legit. The comments that seem to pop up across all their social media channels all look something like this apart from the few negative comments that come from real people;

  • Amazing site, need more managers tho these guys are legit
  • College payments going down
  • I bought my first car todayyyyy

And what the comments from real people? Not so good;

Is Tap2Earn a Scam?

Yes I truly believe that Tap2Earn is some sort of scam and I’m sure you can see it too from this evidence above! The fact that there website seems to be littered with claims that don’t add up and have no evidence to back up there claims then it definitely seems like something is not right at all.

However, when I think of a scam I instantly imagine a scheme that is trying to take your money for nothing of value. But with Tap2Earn there seems to be no way that you actually pay any money to the company so it;s maybe not a scam in the true sense of the word.

The bottom line is though that this company seems to be selling social media marketers a dream of making tons of money with their platform that is just not true at all.

Tap2Earn is most likely another data collection scam looking to secure your email and details to sell on to other companies.

I’d definitely recommend AVOIDING at all costs because unfortunately you’re not going to get rich with Tap2Earn!

Tap2Earn Pro’s

I genuinely see nothing of value with Tap2Earn and don’t believe there is actually any pros at all unless you like being lied to and wasting your time.

There website is riddled with false information and fake testimonials and it seems they are only after your data which they most likely plan to sell on to earn their profits.

Tap2Earn Con’s

  • Their website is full of deceitful information that makes their company seem like a legit way to earn money online in easy steps (One thing you should know that if it seems too good to be true it probably is)
  • You will need to refer friends to this dodgy scheme in order to accumulate fake money that will never actually be paid out

Genuinely everything about this website is a con so I won’t bore you with anymore of the cons

My Recommendation for earning money online

I’m sure you can now see that Tap2Earn and similar schemes fall into the bracket of companies trying to sell you a dream of earning money online with completely false intentions.

Unfortunately for us the internet is FULLL of companies such as this that only care about earning money for themselves by taking advantage of ambitious people looking to start their own business.

Unfortunately this means the majority of people trying to earn money online are wary of any platform claiming to teach them how to earn money online. This is a good thing as you should always be wary of business and platforms such as this.

Thankfully for you and me there is one platform that will teach you how to earn legitimate and honest money online and there are thousands of people earning money with this method online today and this platform is actually where I learned myself.

Interested? Probably not yet because why should you trust someone on the internet, especially after reading about this Tap2Earn scam.

I get it. But before you leave have a read about this opportunity and I can almost guarantee you that you will not be disappointed.

Ok so, my number one recommendation for earning money is affiliate marketing with the help of platform called Wealthy Affiliate where you will learn EVERYTHING you need to know about affiliate marketing plus much more. Of course this comes at a small fee but it’s nothing compared to other inferior platform online today.

With Wealthy affiliate you will join literally hundreds of thousands of members all working towards a passive income by creating their own website surrounding their passions.

The community is always extremely active and any questions you have will be answered promptly, there’s also the opportunity to post blogs on the platform to discuss your success with experts and gain advice.

Affiliate marketing really is the number one method for making money online and I truly believe anyone can do it if they are willing to work.

This is not one of these false get rich quick schemes.

Wealthy Affiliate will give you all the tools and training you would ever need to become successful. But, don’t just take my word for it, you can sign up for free and explore the platform before you make any final decisions. Feel free to take a look around, you won’t be disappointed!

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