Is matched betting safe? This question has been asked by many people who plan to use matched betting as a method of making some quick money online. I am going to answer the above-mentioned question in this article, we will talk about the legal status of matched betting, the risks that are involved, and every other important aspect you need to know about matched betting before you dive in and start earning some extra monthly income for yourself.

Before we begin to talk about how safe matched betting is, let me first explain exactly what matched betting is and how it works.

What is Matched Betting?

With matched betting, you will be looking to take advantage of the free bet offers which bookmakers offer for new customers. Matched betting is said to be a (very simple) mathematical strategy to make money from the free bet offers which online bookmakers offer.

Bookmakers use this method of offering free bets so that new customers will be enticed by the offer and sign up to place bets with their company.

An example of how betting companies offer their free bet is, “place a bet of £30 with our company and be guaranteed of £30 free bet”. One interesting thing about matched betting is that you are always guaranteed to earn money if you apply it properly and it’s really not that difficult at all.

To understand matched betting in the simplest of forms, you take advantage of free bet sign up offers with various legitimate bookmakers. Once you have received you free bets you then bet on two outcomes of a sporting event so you really can’t lose.

Now, let us discuss briefly how matched betting works in slightly more detail.

One thing is that you don’t need to understand the whole terminologies of betting as long as you follow the right steps. But, the most important aspect for you to know is the two major types of bets that make matched betting completely risk free. These two types are lay bet and back bet.

  • Lay bet

This means to place a bet that a certain thing will not happen. For example, “I bet Spain will not win”. This means that if they lose or draw, you win. The main thing is that Spain did not win.

  • Back bet

This one means to place a bet that a certain thing will happen. For example, “I place a bet on Spain to win”. If it happens, you are the winner. But, if Spain loses or draws the match, you will still profit from your lay bet that still earns you profit even if they don’t win

With matched betting, you can cancel the risk that is on a back bet. You can do that by laying a bet, which means that you will match your bet.

As sporting events occur all year long, matched betting is always lucrative.

Is Matched Betting Legal?

Matched betting is legal

The direct answer to this question mentioned above is ‘yes’. Matched betting is legal. Anyone that can open a betting account online is eligible to get involved with matched betting.

This means that the majority of adults that are in Ireland and the United kingdom can take advantage of this easy to operate system. As long as you are over 18 years, you are eligible to get involved with matched betting. Also, all your profits you earn will be tax-free and you’ll take every penny of your winnings.

Many people are still extremely sceptical about matched betting and believe it just seems too good to be true. But, the fact remains that matched betting has continued to become more popular as people are beginning to see the major boost in income it can bring you every month.

Right, now let us get you acquainted with the reason why Matched Betting is legal.

You have committed no crime in applying matched betting. The simple truth behind matched betting is that bookmakers offer people free bets. They use that as a method of luring people to become their customers and you are doing nothing wrong in taking advantage of these free bets.

Since there is heavy competition out there, the bookmakers will offer you huge free bets so that they will not lose you to the competitors. The fact that they are offering free bets does not mean they are very much happy with it.

All bookmakers are hoping for people to lose their money so that their business will succeed but intelligent people who always make use of the free bets being offered to aplly matched betting are always guaranteed to win. This means that they will hardly lose any money, instead, they will keep making lots of money.

So, if the bookmakers notice that someone is only making use of their free bets to make money, there is every possibility that they will stop offering the person free bets or they can even shut down the person’s account but that’s really the worst that could happen.

What are the risks involved?

You do not have to be an expert before you can start matched betting. It can be learned by anyone who wishes to start making money through betting. The good news is that there are very little risks involved.

Since you are betting for an event and still betting against it, there really is no way you can lose.

The only risk that is attached to matched betting is when you make a mistake by yourself. So, to avoid any risk or mistake, recheck everything and adhere strictly to the steps. Sometimes, there might be a delay in offering you free bets. In such rare cases, you have to exercise patience.

If you have fully understood the whole process of matched betting and you have successfully followed the right steps, you are ready to start making money at different online bookmakers with matched betting.

You should also know that your credit rating will not be affected in any way if you make any deposits at the betting websites. Really, do not be afraid of matched betting.

Is Matched Betting a Good Method for Making Money Online?

Matched betting definitely is a good method for making money online.

Matched Betting might not make you live a very luxurious life, but the fact remains that you will make a lot of money if you devote your free time to it.

You do not have to be an expert before you start. Matched betting can be learned easily by anyone and it really shouldn’t take you long to become an expert.

If you are a lover of sports, you can make more money by following, if possible, the whole sports across Europe and the United Kingdom.

Best place to learn Matched Betting

Although the concept of matched betting is rather simple you are always best to find guidance when trying a new method for earning money online.

There are many matched betting training platforms online today that will offer you all the training and tools you need to basically start earning some extra income for day one.

I personally have found profit squirrel to be the best platform for learning matched betting and you will find massive amounts of value if you choose to utilise their platform to start your matched betting career.

I’ll not bore you with all the details here but if you would like to learn more about profit squirrel and how you can start earning money with matched betting instantly have a read at the review I have written on Profit Squirrel (you really won’t regret it).

Tips for Matched Betting

Here are some important tips to help you to start making money with matched betting.

  • Do not jump into complicated offers too soon

Begin with the offers that were given to you when you signed up. Go for only the offers that are familiar to you. As you grow in your experience, your confidence will also grow and you need that confidence and experience to try out the more technical ways of securing free bets.

  • Keep track of your money

It is very important to always monitor your money. It will be very easy for you to lose track of your money because it will be in different accounts. So, always keep this in mind.

  • Secure your details

As you will be signing up to a lot of betting sites keep track of all your usernames and passwords in one secure location. For example, you can use ‘LastPass’ to achieve this. You will save your time and your details will remain secure.

  • Be fast

You can speed up the sing-up of your forms with the use of auto fill.

  • Seek help

Never be afraid to seek help, always ask questions to be on the safe side and avoid any risk.

I hope you have gotten the answer to the big question, “Is Matched betting safe”? As you have seen from this post, it is safe and you can start it today.

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